where to buy couples jewelry
Couples,  Life

Buy couples jewelry online or buy it at a local store

Couples jewelry are bought to commemorate an occasion or anniversary and since it is an event which is near and dear to you and your partner’s heart, the occasion calls for getting the absolute best there is. But, regarding gold or jewelry made up of precious stones, there is always a debate regarding whether one should just order online or should they journey to the local jewelry shops and make a choice there. Here we will measure the pros and cons of both.

urcoco jewelry

Advantages and disadvantages of online jewelry shopping:


Greater variety: Online jewelry stores have a lot of variety to offer. You can browse through their catalog which will show you all the designs they have and there will certainly be more variety than what you can view at a physical shop. If you don’t like the designs of one website, then you can simply jump to another one. If you want buy couples jewelry such as promise rings you can come to urcoco.com!

Ease of browsing: Everything is available at just a click. You can sit comfortably and browse through the catalogs, and take time to select since there are no time limits within which the shop will close or when you will have to return home. So you can do all your shopping virtually, while you are even at work.


No certainty: As always with online products, there is a huge question mark on their originality. While gold has a standard through which it can be judged whether it is pure or not. But the same cannot be said for diamond or other gemstones and thus the possibility of being scammed remains very real.

buy promise rings for couples

Size: The ring that you are thinking of buying has to fit accurately in your (and your partner’s) fingers but looking at the size chart online, it is really difficult to examine or correctly see which size will be perfect for you. Often times the pictures are also magnified to show the details, making your perception distorted as well. Also, customization of the jewelry will be harder in an online shop. So make sure that there is at least a video or some chart which accurately shows the ring sizes.

Advantages and disadvantages of local shops:


Lack of variety: A physical offline shop, no matter how big will lack the variety as well as the agility of browsing through them as an online shop offers.

Timings: A physical shop will have closing and opening hours which will seriously limit when you can purchase the jewelry you want.

couple rings


Complete experience: When you will enter a jewelry shop you will get to experience the complete package as here you will be able to see and judge the jewelry through your own eyes- you can see the details on them, check out whether the size fits you or not, if it doesn’t then it can be customized easily.

So while each has its advantages and disadvantages, the first preference should be given to an offline shop because of the sense of security it offers.